May 2019 Meeting – Antenna Rotors

Join us for the May meeting of the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club at the Red Cross Chapter House on Thursday, May 16 at 7 p.m.

The educational topic will be Antenna Rotors presented by Randy Mead (KE8R).

W8VY embroidered iron-on patches have arrived. Get your free member patch. Purchase extra patches for $3 each.

At the meeting we will also discuss the results of our MI QSO Party activity on April 20. Two donated SDR receivers will be given to the top two operators.

Hamvention and ARRL Field Day are approaching. We will show you the new Hamvention 2019 ARRL App for electronic devices (phones and tablets).

You and other club members and friends are invited to this event. The event is FREE.

Please pass the word about our club and this meeting to your friends. We post information about events on W8VY.ORG and on our Facebook page Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club (click on Events). We also have a calendar on our website.

If you have questions about our club, its activities and events, do not hesitate to use the email addressed