KARC Partners

The Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club is affiliated or partnered with the following organizations:

American Radio Relay League

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association of Amateur Radio. The Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club is an affiliate club.

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) frequently consists of members of KARC. The Emergency Coordinator is a non-voting member of the KARC Board of Directors. Kalamazoo County RACES operates under the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management.

Amateur Radio Emergency Service

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) sounds similar to RACES, but their functions are specifically different. Visiting the ARES Michigan provides more information. ARES groups are trained and associated with the ARRL, rather than local government.

Kalamazoo Hamfest

The Kalamazoo Hamfest is an annual convention that includes amateur radio equipment sales and swaps, forums, and amateur radio license testing. The Kalamazoo Hamfest is sponsored in a partnership with the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club (KARC) and the Southwest Michigan Amateur Radio Team (SMART). It is normally the third weekend of October.

Southwest Michigan Chapter of the American Red Cross

The Southwest Michigan Chapter of the American Red Cross is closely associated with the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club. The Red Cross provides a facility for the W8VY club station as well as a location for meetings and projects. The KARC assists the Red Cross with communication needs and provides annual financial support.