April 2019 Meeting – Ham Radio Podcasts

Join us for the April meeting of the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club at the Red Cross Chapter House on Thursday, April 18 at 7 p.m.

The educational topic will be Ham Radio Podcasts presented by Mark Kerstetter (KE8HAA). The presentation will discuss what podcasts are and how to use them. We will explore 10 podcasts about amateur radio comparing their content and format, frequency of release, length, website, and even listen to samples.

At the meeting we will also discuss our planned MI QSO Party activity for April 20. Two donated SDR receivers will be won by the hams collecting the most contacts.

A radio club near Ann Arbor is planning a one day bus trip to Hamvention in Xenia, OH. We’ll present costs and details at the March meeting.

You and other club members and friends are invited to this event. The event is FREE.

Please pass the word about our club and this meeting to your friends. We post information about events on W8VY.ORG and on our Facebook page Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club (click on Events). We also have a calendar on our website.

If you have questions about our club, its activities and events, do not hesitate to use the email addressed secretary@w8vy.org