The Club will build a antenna attenuator from a small, inexpensive kit the Red Cross Chapter House on Saturday, March 31 from 10 a.m. until noon in rooms L3 & L4 (basement). Cost will be minimal ($10). The kit is small and suitable for beginners. Bring a soldering iron, if you can. The build will provide one component of the gear needed to participate in a Fox Hunt (locate a hidden transmitter). Since the hunt requires receive only, you don’t need a ham license. The Club will build a direction finding antenna and explain how to “hunt” at sessions during the summer. The Club will hold it’s Fox Hunt in September. For more info and to reserve a seat at the build, contact Charles Agosti
March 2018 Meeting – Adventures in Building a Hinged Tower
Join us for the March meeting of the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club at the Red Cross Chapter House on Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m.
Randy Mead (KKE8R) KARC member and Member At-Large on our Board will speak about how he designed and constructed a large hinged tip-up tower at his QTH.
Skywarn Training – Van Buren/Allegan Counties
Skywarn Training for Spring 2018 will be held on Saturday, March 10 from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. at Paw Paw High School off Red Arrow Highway. There will not be training in Kalamazoo this winter or spring. Ask about ride sharing. You do not need a reservation, just show up. You do not need to be a ham to participate.
February 2018 Meeting – MI Public Safety Comm System
Join us for the February meeting of the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club at the Red Cross Chapter House on Thursday, February 15 at 7 p.m.
Al Melon (N8KLI) of the State of Michigan DIT will speak about the Michigan Public Safety Communication System (MPSCS) and the public safety radio network on 800 MHz. This is the “largest in the U.S.”
Skywarn Training – Kalamazoo/Calhoun Counties
Skywarn Training for Spring 2018 will be held on Saturday, February 24 from 10 a.m. until noon at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek. There will not be training in Kalamazoo this winter or spring. If you have questions, contact our Emergency Coordinator, Gary Wightman Ask about ride sharing. You do not need to be a ham to participate.
LoST 2018 Schedule Released
The LoST or Line of Sight Team Schedule for 2018 has been created. You can download it Here. LoST is an event held on Wednesday evenings to practice portable and emergency communications techniques. Hams deploy to various locations throughout Kalamazoo County and use portable equipment to “check-in” to the Kalamazoo County Public Service Corps Net.
Technician Amateur (Ham) Radio Licensing Class
If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, in learning material for Technician Amateur Radio Licensing (entry level ham radio licensing), please contact John Tucker (WB8ZVV) either by email or phone (269-324-9085) leaving a message after the generic “no one home” message if John does not answer the phone.
The class will be held at the SW Michigan Red Cross Chapter in Kalamazoo, MI. It will be taught in the traditional format for a couple of hours on Tuesday nights from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm starting September 24 and running until December 10. Students may take the official licensing test (all multiple choice questions) on December 10.
Contact John if you or someone you know is interested in the class. Also contact him if you have questions about amateur (ham) radio, licensing, or the class.
If you have questions about our club, its activities and events, do not hesitate to use the email addressed
September 2019 Meeting – DX Engineering Contesting Skype Presentation
oin us for the September meeting of the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club at the Red Cross Chapter House on Thursday, September 19 at 7 p.m.

Our club offers a special live Skype presentation and interaction with DXengineering owner Tim Duffy (K3LR). We will hear about amateur radio contesting and Tim’s world famous Contesting Station (K3LR).
You and other club members and friends are invited to this event. The event is FREE.
Please pass the word about our club and this meeting to your friends. We post information about events on W8VY.ORG and on our Facebook page Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club (click on Events). We also have a calendar on our website.
If you have questions about our club, its activities and events, do not hesitate to use the email addressed
Volunteers Needed for Custer’s Last Stand Bike Race
The Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club has decided to support this bicycle racing event.
The race is scheduled for Saturday, October 5 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. At Ft. Custer Recreation Area. You will need to have a park pass to enter the state park or an entrance fee will be charged.
We already have a list of volunteers, but need more. Volunteers should expect to support race checkpoints and other locations using HT radios on VHF/UHF simplex frequencies. If you would like to volunteer or need more information, please send email to
Here is a map of the race course. Click on the link to see the Ft. Custer Race Map.